Senin, 25 September 2006

Fringe find


The ladies of hml have been enjoying the spring weather (hayfever anyone?) and talkin' up the fringe festival. What do we think of when we think of fringe? Yes there are the obvious things - intense and insane theatre productions, wonderful collaborative efforts in artist-run spaces across the city, new musical extravaganzas in sticky carpet pubs. But we started thinking about the word 'Fringe' - how it's always 'on the edge of something'.

It was during one of these windy walks (hot air from us and from the northwest!) that we discovered this prime example of outsider souvenier craft. Now as you know we love a bit of op shoppy craft object aesthetic and maybe we are the only ones. But to be left by the side of the road seemed just cruel. Or maybe, just maybe the craft gods left it there for us. Not only were we taken with the Shell Art (Beck has quite the collection) but on closer inspection we were thrilled by the photographic vignettes circa 1978. We thought you'd enjoy our contribution to the Fringe Festival!

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