Kamis, 02 Maret 2006

Trivial pursuits...


This week has all been about getting HML up and running. It's been a dream of ours to have a craft magazine that went some way in examining what was happening around us. Where renegade craft, fashion, design, history, cinema, community, technology, folk & DIY all came together as we hold up the mirror to our culture and tried to make sense of it all. With a new entry everyday we hope you make us a regular stop on your online journey.
We hope you love it as much as we love bringing you all the news from Handmade Life...

We also managed to attend a trivia night that has kicked off what is bound to be a very nasty addiction to publicly displaying our embarrasingly large pop cultural knowledge with other like minded nerds. I think we revealed our true colours when we asked if they needed not just the name of the film but the director and the year of the release. That being said we went home with nothing more than writers cramp and a sore throat.

Look our for the weekend edition of Handmade Life...

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