Jumat, 07 April 2006

everything's coming up roses...


When my grandmother died a few years back, I received her coveted rose bush which I have lovingly cared for ever since. Luckily it seemed to take to me and didn't mind when I prematurely plucked every rose that flowered that year.
As Christmas approached I decided that I would make her daughters, (my Aunts) something with the petals from the bush, just a small reminder of the comfort that she gave all of us, and a tradition was born.

Now that the weather has turned, many of us will be ending our working days by slipping into a nice hot bath. These bath salts are probably the easiest of craft projects. More assembly than craft really.

Any rose petals will do, pick 'em fresh and dry them in a brown paper bag (hey that's crafty) and don't steal your neighbors unless you plan on giving them a jar full of the finished ingredients!

Buy good rock salt, you can go gourmet or supermarket saxa depending on your budget.

I like to add a little tea to the mix for a bit of extra bouquet, as with the salt you can get your hand picked French floral tea or a regular twinings teabag - raspberry and peach seems to work well, and empty out the contents.

Place all ingredients bar a handful off the petals in a big bowl and mix together with your hands or wooden spoon. The petals will start to break down under the salt, so be gentle with your mixing. When it looks right stop.

Spoon your finished bath salts into a noice airtight glass jar, intermittently adding remaining petals throughout the process. When your jar is full, pop your lid on and your done.

easy peasey.

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