Senin, 29 Mei 2006



So after you've been wowed by Miyake you may experience a vague queasiness that always seems to accompany inspiration. How can you ever hope to replicate those pleats? Trust us, help is at hand.

The HML team discovered this bible by Colette Wolf several years ago and it is never too far from the sewing machine. Yes we too dream of a life where we have enough time to produce 10 fantastic outfits each season that means we never have to walk into Target for trousers ever again.

The Art of Manipulating Fabric is a no frills instruction manual, complete with grainy black and white photos and line drawings. Like a commonsense cookbook in the kitchen it may be the only textile manual you'll ever need (that and your Readers Digest guide to sewing).

Chapter 6 is all about pleats. Flat pleats, partial pleats, projecting pleats, accordion pleats, wrinkled pleats and double controlled pleats. Not for the faint of heart!

We can't guarantee you'll be able Miyake your frock in the comfort of your own home but you will achieve something magical we promise.

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