Rabu, 14 Juni 2006

And they called it puppy love...


We know it's called the WORLD WIDE WEB but sometimes it's really nice to go local even when we are online. Georgie Love is a delicious mix of handmade goodness, retail therapy and Melbourne cool and we think it is mighty fine.

This newish online store taps into the current desire for evidence of the artist in the object. Why by a cheap n nasty brooch from Portgirl or Davey Jones when you can pick a set of 3 vintage fabric badges for $10 that come with a guarantee of uniqueness and authenticity?

It's quite a community developing over there. Customers are invited to write reviews of products and can sign up for a newsletter (we love that). The site looks beautiful and is a breeze to navigate. You can window shop all night if you want to but it will be hard to resist the goodies 'instore'.

HML would like to say this necklace by Larysa Ischenko is delicious and is going straight in the shopping cart!

Now get over there, we promise you'll have fun.

Georgie Love

thanks to Georgie Love's owner Sally Morrigan for PIC.

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