Well what a hoot he is! Regular readers may recongise our owly friend as a gift recently purchased in sunny Queensland. I'm happy to report that the pattern for this excellent creation can be found in the seminal tome Killer Tea Cosies (and how to make them) by Annette Wallis.
Seems so odd that we found this very book in the cooking section of the hml library. Just as well, as a quick squizz on Amazon reveals this 1997 publication now has a tag of $69 US dollars on it!
It's enough to make the ladies of hml sit down with a nice pot of earl grey and a doozey of a cupcake (half missing by the time the photo was taken - no one is owning up, but we have 12 year old girl in for questioning who is known in these parts for dessert pinching).
Ps do you like the cup, saucer and plate? We found an entire four place dinner set in an op shop for 25 cents a piece. you don't come across bargains like that every day.
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