Senin, 27 November 2006

Let the bidding begin...


Shhhh! The Craft Victoria Silent Auction is an easy pick for show of the week. Not only because hml staff member Ramona has a piece in the show (above) as do many hml friends, but because it showcases the work of 80 craftspeople from around Australia. We have had a sneak peak and the show is a doozy.

All funds raised from the auction will be put towards a writing program for Craft Victoria members. It's an amazing show. Bidding has already begun and some items are in fact already sold so you better rush in if you want to snag a special object for under the Christmas tree this year.

The Auction itself takes place this Saturday between 3-5pm. These are some of the items we will be bidding on...

Beautful polypropelyne work by Emma Davies and delicate glass pieces by Lisa Cahill
Excellent Blue Robot by ceramic artist extraordinaire Nid Kelly...

The lovely Po by our blogging mate Shula (he is simply adorable)

And this very special piece from jeweler and artist Anna Davern

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