Selasa, 22 Mei 2007


the musical fruit
ok here's what was on the menu at todays staff meeting and as you can see we ditched the 60's rhode island aesthetic this week and went a little tribal...
Of course when there is the possibility of saucy crusts we always have company. Muji, the hml mascot, was tres impressed with our tribal stylins and even more effusive about the surreptitious under-the-table deal. Needless to say we all had a good breakfast...
Do note the almost perfect placement of parsley, the cracked pepper and the fanning of the avocado (how good are they at the moment?) We have to admit the effor for the photo shoot meant the coffee had to be reheated and then remade but we were ultimately so inspired by our 70's flashback we spent the next couple of hours pouring over vintage craft books and went away dreaming of embroidered vests and macrame potholders.

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