Minggu, 24 Juni 2007


The Democratic Potter
Long time fans of Sydney based artist Noel Mckenna have come to love his quirky and sometimes vaguely sinister drawings (his series of 'Lost' animal posters was amazing). We have been served up a rare treat with his ceramics exhibition now on at Niagara Galleries in Richmond. Be warned this isn't a show for purists, or even for potters (some pots aren't thrown by McKenna, some are badly thrown by Mckenna, and some things just seem like he's been noodling around in the potting shed).
The ladies of hml were utterly charmed by the show and if we'd had a spare $800 smackers would have fought over this lost cat bowl (sigh).
So if you are zooming down Punt Road this week (or crawling depending on the peak hour traffic blues) why not take a driver reviver - any gallery that paints 'Art Does Matter' on the side of the building is well worth a pitstop in our books.
For our interstate friends almost the entire show can be viewed online here

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