Kamis, 06 September 2007


banking on a nest egg

Ramona was beside herself with excitment at the springtime presentation of Beck's birthday pressie for her... little did she know that the gift within was just as impressive as the outside wrapping! a ceramic birdhouse money box and special one off Shah Ruhk card for madam.
We had planned on seeing the new Shah Rukh vehicle at the cinema as part of Ramona's birthday celebrations as we couldn't imagine anything better than watching the Rukh dancing around a hockey pitch in suburban Melbourne in short shorts, But we were saddened to find that bloody Hoyts had once again changed the screening times at the last minute so we were going to have to make do with our imaginations and the card to satisfy our Rukh cravings for now.
However it was such a nice day we decided to go for a trip to Gertrude street... we tried to get to an exhibition at seventh gallery only to find it had already closed, so we made do with a wander around the streets drooling at the Spacecraft store, buying up the last copy of Selvedge from Artisan Books, wondering what body parts to sell to procure a pair of Preston Zly custom red buckle shoes from the Bereau and eating a most delectable lunch at Enotecha...
In the end not such a bad birthday after all - especially given that everyhwere we turned we saw the most beautiful magnolia displays.
Ah spring... you have finally sprung!

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