Last year Beck was blown away by the work of young Japanese artist Etsuko Fukaya’s tiny intricate etchings in Tokyo last November when she went to the the Future Beats in Japanese Contemporty Arts at the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi. Fukaya’s minature needlepoint etchings were the highlight of the show, intricate images weaving together the patterning of flowers, plumage, leaves and hair in dark fantasies from the deep, dreamy thickets of her imagination. An almost medieval hallugenogenic land where the falcon and unicorn make friends with flying sheep, perplexed deer and sturdy yaks. In short Genius with a capital 'G'.
Imagine her surprise to find that there was an exhibition in Australia RIGHT NOW where she could see more, and then imagine her dissapointment when she discovered it was actually at in Sydney, and she couldn't get there !!!!! Unnervingly beautiful, immaculately rendered and only in town for three more days. Unmissable. If you're in Sydney of course, if not you'll have to suffer along with Beck and look at these pictures as some small consolation.Etsuko Fukaya 8 March - 5 April 2008
Darren Knight Gallery
Top Floor 840 Elizabeth Street
WATERLOO Sydney, NSW 2017
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