Kamis, 26 Juni 2008


Happy Birthday - the redux
It's been over a week, but we've both been incredibly busy, Beck with finishing up at work, and Ramona slaving over a secret project that will be revealed next week. There was a birthday at hml headquarters last week, but in a disturbing precurser of what is to come with with two rapidly approaching birth dates - it kind of slid past us without much pomp, fanfare or in fact chocolate cake. Still some excellent things did happen, most of which were decidely crafty in tone.
first, there was an excellent poached breakfast at The Postal Hall

then these incredibly delicious spotted stoneware breakfast sets from the fabulous Five Boroughs arrived...and that afternnon this long coveted Florence Broadhurst book was delivered courtesy of the inhouse DJ, which of course has been drooled over ever since... the architect even managed to unfold himself from the previous nights first time yoga class to put together the widgets wardrobe!all in all nothing to sneeze at and quite a lovely day, although both of us are now looking forward to having a massive HML post birthday bollywood movie and cakeathon, once we've fully recovered from Miss PenPen's afternoon tea of course.

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