Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

letdown of the week

Maybe it was the rain. Maybe it was the fact that we live in Melbourne Australia and not Martha's Vineyard (in dreams)...not one single trick or treater....
sigh. made the family walk around the block and knock on the door. not quite the same...

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

stylin of the week

Check out the rubber skeleton complete with blue cape! And ghosty is sure to give peeps on the 112 tram to work a fright this morning...

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008


Managed ot find the perfect pumpkin for carving. Dragged out the printmaking toolkit and the dremel...results tomorrow...

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008


10 years of weirdness
It is with some degree of pleasure that both HML ladies have watched the rise and rise of Halloween on our shores - because quite frankly it's the craftiest holiday EVA!
This year we'll be attempting some apple skull print trick or treat bags in the hope that some wicked kids come and knock on the door for sugar...

And browsing through a decade of magazines dedicated to hardcore halloween crafting. Those close to her know of Ramona's unholy fascination with all things Martha and no one does all hallows eve quite like the domestic goddess (or witchy poo) and her team of minions.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008


the greatest show in town

How could we go past these beauties as the craft finds of the week, and how glad that potentially the new leader of the free world is being so well supported by the craft mafia. American ceramicists got busy at the wheel and created a whole range of handmade Obamaware which they've auctioned off to raise money for the campain - genius! and just the kind of grass roots initiative we LOVE here at HML.

No need to guess which way we'd be voting...

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008


red, white and blue
It just seems to be all about food at the moment doesn't it... and here's a breakfast tribute to the US elections, which as terminal West Wing fans we just can't get enough of. However rest assured readers that the local craft elements of this particular morning treat are not only still high on the menu but are in fact key to it's success. Dishes that force you to pull out all the stops to create something delciously sympatico to these delectable stoneware pieces by Daylesford native Bridget Bodenham .

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

Dessert of the Week

While making strawberry puree, homemade custard and vanilla infused whipped cream Ramona pondered the differences between a trifle, a syllabub and a fool. She then wondered why chocolate mint tasted exactly like those after dinner mints so popular at her mother's dinner parties in the 70's (and in how much trouble she was when at the age of 7 all she left the dinner guests were the brown wrappers). Ramona also wondered why her dessert looked NOTHING like the beautifully styled one in Delicious magazine.
then she was a fool and ate the remaining custard, cream and strawberry puree left in the mixing bowls...

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008


Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree

Yup, finally HML has managed to come up with a small range of paper production pieces, just in time for Craft Victoria's Red Christmas. We did have grand plans but at the moment we're both just keeping our heads above water with all of our other projects so even though we know it's just a small token of crafting for the week as they say "from little things..."

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008


the postman always rings twice...
especially here where the doorbell is usually 'on the fritz'

Being relatively housebound does have it's advantages at times, not the least of which (or was before the bottom fell out of the dollar) is ordering stuff from overseas online and waiting patiently for the postie to deliver it to your door. This week saw these three new crafty books hit the bookshelves at hml headquarters..

This one turned out to be an absolute chestnut full of excellent and relatively easy project ideas for kids including quilts, clothes, bags and toys. the only concern we had was that apart from it coming from the stable of the uber popular American textile designer de jour Amy Butler it is full of children that are so ridiculously perfect looking that they can only have been made in a lab... look at the picture below and you'll see what we mean.

This one promised so much from the cover and the selected 'inside' views on Amazon but really turned out to be more miss than hit, although there is an excellent racoon to be made from the patterns within, and you know how much we love a mammal in a mask.

But the clear winner was this - a simple how to with clear instructions, stencil templates and completely tasteful and droolworthy project ideas... including this amazingly effective childrens chest of drawers makeover project below which had both of us squealing like teweenage american girls at a Jonas Brothers concert (and we're imaging that would be quite noisy)

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008



Ramona found Maxwell this wee Collingwood bear at the CWA store 'on the island' last weekend. Understandably she couldn't resist getting Max his first piece of pies related football paraphanalia, and he was equally well pleased with it - unlike the Historian who not only refused to pay, but left the store in disgust...

Bloody weagles supporters.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008


teenage riotWe love to see young people getting out amongst it, so when we spotted this excellent piece as part of the current line up at Platform we decided to award it show of the week status. Young arteest Hayden Daniel's show is called Splatterdash, compriosed of a collection of artworks he's made by in an attempt to portray the "random, weird and wonderful" thoughts and dreams that flow through his teenage head. Working across an array of mediums including paint, pens and pencils Hayden does his thang on all kinds of found objects from timber to used metcards... all this and he's still at high school student! Splatterdash is on at Platform in the Sample cabinet - a special solo cabinet in the subway dedicated to use by young emerging artists aged 15-25 - and is available for viewing until the 31st of October so you've still got some time to check out his work on the way to your work...

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008


here are the cupcakes - vanilla but not fairy. Apparently the appeal is the cream cheese frosting!

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

Christmas Gift of the Week

the madness continues... This swanky art pouch is for the Cupcake King - last seen on a sugar high under a table (best spot for the cheeky under 5 set).
Don't look at the dodgy stitching (Ramona is not famous for her sewing skills that's for sure)
Was so excited to hear that the young chap and his lovely mum, gran and baby sister were coming for a visit the gift was finished in an afternoon that was meant for work - had a bad case of Tuesdayitis (is there such a thing?) so just did presents instead...
Perhaps Christmas should come early this year? Nah... just make him some vanilla fairy cakes instead...mmm

PS Shula, recognise the fabric? Waste not want not!

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008


is it something so good just can't function anymore...
Yeah yeah yeah, Etsy is excellent - the ladies are happy to concede that this online crafty wonderland is jam packed with some seriously good craft. But it isn't all that often that we look at something and just say 'damn that is so good, we can hardly beleive our crafty hearts!' Our hats are tipped towards Etsy shoppe Toggle actually based in New Zealand. These crocheted huggable replicas of the 12" single of Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division arereally, as Ian Curtis would say, to die for.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008



There is something satisfying about taking a bowl of fruit and turning into something magical. Maggie B (Ramonas mum) has been hard at work perfecting lemon curd with stunning results.
Can we recommend some warmed then spooned on icecream? Or on scones for afternoon tea? Or even breakfast toast - fantastic...
Don't think the ladies of HML will ever get over their obsession with gingham either!

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008


fruit loops

To say the ladies of HML are very food oriented is the understatement of the year. and with various celebrations looming - babies, birthdays, christmas etc it's testing time. Maggie (Ramona's mum) has gone into Pavlova mode with the purchase of her new mixmaster.
We're hoping for an appearance for that other wonderful Maggies chocolate pav with creme fraiche and strawberries on the weekend. Mind you this vanilla infused golden kiwi fruit number was a stunner. Oh and what did we make with the rest of the haul from vic market on the weekend? Paella for 6, filo wrapped asparagus spears with parmesan, the first BBQ to celebrate daylight savings (lamb and mint snags from the Italian Sausage master), and possibly the greatest blood orange icecream ever...

our exercise regime starts next week (hee hee)

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008


everything is temporary... The ladies of HML have made a pact to get the 500 metres down the road to Pieces of Eight to see the work of the wonderful Sim Luttin in her new show 'The Temporary Nature of Things'
Luttin set herself the seemingly monumental task of creating a piece of jewelry every day for a year and we are keen to see what this sensitive maker has created in this visual diary form.
And for those across the river...
These satanic goat sculptures by Aus artist Julia Robinson aren't for the fain hearted but for those of you growing weary of the twee softie craze they may be just what the doctor ordered. Uber Gallery is a bit of a trek down to St Kilda but the ladies of HML urge you to jup on the tram and get down there!

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008


the bird is the word
Regular readers will know what keen illo twitchers we are... so you can imagine how much we are loving checking out hip new aussie illustrators stable "the Jacky Winter Group".

Established by designer, art director, and New York expat Jeremy Wortsman, and named after a native robin, it boasts the creme de la creme of Australia's top pencil geeks and pen pushers including hml faves Beck Wheeler, Dylan Martorell, Tin&Ed, Pandarosa, Timothy Molloy, Ben Sanders and Neils Oeltjen.
Yup, that would be the same 'Nails' responsible for the show of the week, and correct again, you guessed it the brains behind the new Gallery showcasing said exhibition at Lamington Drive is none other than Mr. Wortsman. Clever fella.
