Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Good bye, Michael!

Well, I must say I am a bit late with my post in some respect. I woke up on Friday and heard the news while reading a message from my friend. I thought I was a bad joke. I couldn't believe it and for a moment there the world felt quite shaky. But I had to get ready and go. I didn't have time to write anything at all.
I still find it hard to believe that Michael Jackson is gone. Forever. I've never been what I call a true fan, but his music was always a part of my life, which made that particular moments of life rather special. I'd say a lot more, but I think I'll keep my opinion to myself now because here it's all about fashion and my opinion is not going to bring him back to life anyway. Instead I am going to put some of my favourite videos here featuring Naomi, Iman and very young Tyra. And share a moment of melting cloudy sadness that fills heart and soul and turns into tears as it slowly comes out... R.I.P.

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