Selasa, 21 Juli 2009


the end of the world as we know it...

Ramona is all over the place at the moment. Hot on the heels of her last exciting adventure comes her place in possibly the best titled show of the festivus "The End of the world Souvenir Shop" at Headquarters gallery.

The concept funnily enough is just that, a shoppe full of souvenirs for the end of the world. Hence the cans of baked optimism above. Ramona made a selection of supremely elegant badge and card combo's simply stating 'the end', literally and colloquially speaking, in five different ways. But in all the madness of DMT we forgot to photograph them, so we don't have any pics to show you... You'll have to make do with these pics we've hijacked from their facebag page (apologies to Willoh S Weiland and Bryony Jackson) or head on down to headquarters to see them for yourself. Stax of people involved: Alexis Becket: Cecilia Dowling: Cristy Gilbert: Dan Cass: Davina Adamson: Doug Heslop: Dylan Martorell: Hugh Adamson: Jade Markam: Jessie Willow Tucker: Liz Rácz: Minos: Nathaniel Lindsay: opinion/ formed (Daniel Peterson & Anthony Nelson)Playground Mischief (Cat Sewell):Robbie Dixon: Simon Pericich: Sunday Morning (Lichen Kemp & Jitske Wiersma): Tee Jay Dee Designs (Tara Daniel): Wah-Wah Wears (Zoe Churchill): as well as our own Ramona of Words & Pictures fame.

Show's only on for another three days, so you'll have to be quick. After that we'll all be history.

The End of the World Souvenir Shop @ Headquarters
Rear 55 High Street, Northcote. (just behind Lupa)

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