Senin, 30 November 2009


Day 1

When funds are tight at this time of year it's good to build in lots of little traditions and rituals. For some reason this always makes Christmas feel more opulent than it really is. The season officially starts today with the first window of the Advent Calendar opening (and the first day of summer!)

instead of one of those weird cardboard ones you buy at the supermarket (don't worry we have that one too!) I lined one shelf of the hutch with 24 jars each with their own glittered number (thanks Martha)and a lolly or two in each jar. It's the first decoration of Christmas in the house!

Mind you I have know idea what Maggie B is going to put her lemon curd in, or my famous spicy nut mix, or Alan B's pickle extravaganza...I've used every single jar in the house! And why I have so many teapots is a mystery to me...

Minggu, 29 November 2009


eye do

Ok so with only 25 days to go it is really crunch time at HML headquarters. Beck and I had a long conversation about handmade holidays on Friday and this year more than ever we're making gifts not just because we are compulsive craftaholics but because we are too poor to go and buy them.It's crazy out there in ecocrisis land and although our offerings may be small the recipients will know that their gift was made with love and with them in mind.

This wheat and lavender patchwork eye pillow is for my lovely friend Miss S -who, when not working very hard helping Altzheimers patients and their families, likes a good lie down and a dream.

Kamis, 26 November 2009

Just to say "Hello" and GIVEAWAY WINNERS

My dearest and nearest and all the ones far far away who love and read newfashiontodayblog. Thank you for your patience and your sweet messages. I am sorry I haven't been around for a while, but I will be back soon.
I've got so much to do and since my future depends on it I've got to concentrate on my course and getting things ready for my workshop. It takes a lot of time... Blogging (my wonderful delightful exciting pleasurable hobby) has to be put on hold for just a few more days.

Still... I haven't been all serious. I did other things, too. The nice ones. I hand-stripped my dog (it was my first ever hand-stripping experience and I truly enjoyed it), treated myself to a set of cozy tartan pjs for those cold winter days when I just feel lazy and fall into a pj mood, and a few beautiful Elle MacPherson intimates since it would be a shame not to because prices of the delights were 85% off retail. I watched Coco Before Chanel (What a magic! I wish I was three times longer... ), Lagerfeld Confidential (pure coincidence!) and, apart from anything else, am now obsessed with a dream of bring home one of those beautiful Chanel shopping bags, with ribbons and camellias, that hold something very beautiful inside... (well, I know what that "something" would be, but it's a dream for now...)

Well, enough of me news.

It's time to announce the Plasterdoll giveaway winners. So the Marc Jacobs inspired print goes to... little miss Toothfairy and the Charles Anastase inspired print goes to... gorgeous Taylor Sterling! Congratulations, girl! Please kindly e-mail me your addresses to

Well, that's all for today. I hope I can get back to blogging next Tuesday. Have a great Friday and wonderful sunny weekend!
Lots of love



Pirate of the week

avast me hearties!

It was young Thomas' first birthday this week, (Hooray and Happy Birthday little man!) and as a result I have been frantically trying to get the handmade element of his birthday present finished before he and Max have their belated birthday playdate tomorrow. Thankfully, with the architect away on business and some excellent Glee inspired television viewing (I can hear Ramona belting out her show tunes from here)tonight has been the night that the pirate penguin has finally transformed from this...

to this...

Just the ticket for young Mr T. to recline upon while watching the morning installment of In the Night Garden. Let's hope he likes it!

Selasa, 24 November 2009


the princess diaries

With only a month to go now it's a little crazy here at the HML Christmas Cave. I have decided to concentrate most of my efforts on the kids in my life this year - because lets face it - Christmas is really about them. My niece Alani  is gettting this Princess and the Pea set...

It looked so easy in the book. Brisbane based designer Sarah Bowe had written great instructions and her princess was an uncomplicated tube. a couple of hours easy!

But really once you factor in making 12 mattresses with stuffing, a blankie, a pillow, a princess and a pea it took me a whole weekend.  But I love the result, and I hope little Alani will too!

My mattresses certainly aren't as neat as Sarah's and my fabric choices came from the scrap cupboard (not the gorgeous Japanese fabric in the book). And I didn't do the little collar, just finished her off with a bow (I ran out of time and energy).

Now I just need to find a little book to go with it. Certainly my favourite present so far!

Senin, 23 November 2009



The ladies of HML have been touting the exhibition space C3 at Abbotsford Convent all year. Suffice to say we havent actually managed to make it to an opening. But this week all that changes with the group show OMFG! promising to be jam packed with some seriously clever (and funny) contemporary art. We'll be there at 6pm tomorrow night to toast the participants - including two of our faves Dell Stewart and Adam Cruickshank (whose work above made us rofl).

Kamis, 19 November 2009



For those of you that can't make it down to Lab X for the opening of  Three of a Kind I thought I'd give a sneak preview of some of the Irene's work. These beautiful hand beaded porcelain pieces are so delicate.

And quite different to her darker more gothic work. A collection of them would be perfect in a quiet corner

It's going to be difficult for me to choose - I am partial to the large square one with the flying duck!

Here's the lovely lady herself installing - not easy when you are 7 months pregnant and its 500 degrees. We were very grateful Lab X was air conditioned to sub zero temps!

Selasa, 17 November 2009


Good as Pie

The ladies of HML are beside themselves this week with the discovery of the embroidered portraits by Jennifer Andrews. Her Twin Peaks Series has made us a little weak at the knees and if we had the money we'd book a flight to Austin Texas to see the opening of her show. Instead we have to make do with her brilliant blog Children Playing With Fire

Our first blog was actually called Log Lady so we would have to buy this one and share it!

The French knots on Killer Bob's beard are just amazing. And he is just as scary in thread!

The Man from another place would calm our fears. He'd tell us "You are already in Texas, be careful of the owls!"
Genius people. pure and simple.

Introducing Plasterdoll and a fabulous GIVEAWAY

There are many reasons to fall in love with Plasterdoll. Perhaps, you like dolls, or, maybe, beautiful illustrations. For all the fashionistas out there Plasterdoll would be yet another way to see some gorgeous designer looks, from a very special, different and oh-so-adorable perspective.

Plasterdoll was my newly discovered treasure. I really wanted to share it with you and was thrilled when Jessica, the girl who created Plasterdoll, agreed to have an interview with newfashiontodayblog. Even better, she offered two of her illustrations as a giveaway - thank you, darling!

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? When did you first realise that drawing is something you are passionate about? Why fashion?
I’m a self-taught illustrator with no formal education in art or design, but drawing has always been a great part of my life. I think I’ve been drawing since I learnt to hold pencils! I’ve also always loved fashion and am a devoted shopaholic. So when I learnt about fashion illustration, it’s hard not to realise that this is ‘the one’.

All your characters have a plaster on their forehead. Why did you decide to call yourself “Plasterdoll” and add this cute signature style to your illustrations?
I’ve always loved dolls, love their big eyes and their disproportionate body. I was searching for a character that is unique and that I can never get bored of, so I can continuously ‘dress her up’. When I came out with my character, I thought I wanted them to look unique and to stand out from the crowd of dolls. I then thought, since my doll has a huge head, I was sure she kept bumping her head on things, so I thought a Plaster on her huge forehead would be cute, and that’s when I named her “Plasterdoll”.

What is it that inspires you to choose particular looks for your works?
I love seeing how fashion pieces are put together to create amazing styles, and intricate details of a fashion piece often catch my eyes.

I usually get inspirations from fashion sites, magazines, and blogs. Most of my works are inspired by fashion from the runway, and in terms of a particular look that I eventually pick, it pretty much depends on what style attracts me at that point of time.

Which present or past artists do you admire?
I’ve always loved Mark Ryden’s work, his art work is legendary. For fashion illustrations, I’ve always been inspired by Ruben Toledo’s work.

What was the most exciting moment of your life as an artist so far?
Plasterdoll being featured in several magazines and sites, and has a fan page with more than 500 fans around the world now. These definitely mean a lot to me!

Where do you see Plasterdoll in 10 years?
I don’t know if this is too ambitious, but I hope in 10 years’ time, Plasterdoll will be known internationally as a fashion icon (like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe), a trend-setter, not just another Barbie or Blythe.


I am absolutely certain we will hear and see more of Plasterdoll in the future and would like to wish Jessica and her gorgeous little characters all the very best!
If you would like to see more, please click here and here. You can also become Jessica's fan on Facebook - click here to join.

And now it is the time to announce the giveaway. You can win one of these Plasterdoll illustrations (the first winner will receive Marc by Marc Jacobs spring 2009 and the second winner will receive Charles Anastase spring 2009) by leaving your comment here. You need to be a follower and can enter twice. If you would like to enter three times to increase your chances to winning, please join Plasterdoll on Facebook and leave a comment here to let me know. The competition ends on 24th November 2009 and two winners will be announced on 25th November 2009. Good luck!

Images via Plasterdoll

Senin, 16 November 2009


Connect the Dots

These fresh faced creatives are the recent graduates of the NMIT Product Design course. They've created work as diverse as lighting to jewellery and are displaying their final pieces at Off The Kerb Gallery in Collingwood. We were particularly taken with this Family Tree neck piece by Samantha Phillips which is very sweet. A good interpretation of carrying photos in your wallet, carrying your history. We think she could go into business with commissions of these things. Show runs to the 27th  - which is sooner than you think.


"The most challenging part to dressing well is knowing how to be elegant while being casual."

Umberto Angeloni

Image via google image

Minggu, 15 November 2009


south of the border

It takes quite a bit to get us to cross the Yarra River and head to the other side of town. Luckily our friend Irene from Iggy and Lou Lou is enough to lure us to  Lab X Gallery down in St Kilda. Irene, Maddy and Beci are three of the most talented and prodigious artistes in town so its well worth the bus fare south. The Gals have a blog going for the show and an unrivalled media campaign (but remember you heard it hear first folks!)

LAB X Gallery

40 Pakington Street St Kilda AU 3182
opening night fri 20 nov 6-8pm 
weekday hours: 8.30am – 6.00pm
weekend hours: 11am – 3pm

Jumat, 13 November 2009


stitch and bitch

as with most things I undertake I seem to make mountains where molehills would be perfectly adequate. So here I am sitting with the over cooked yet still half baked results of what should have been a doddle... hand stitched christmas baubles. Really I shouldn't complain, once they've got their red ticking backing, red ribbon and are filled with gingery, cinnamon christmas spice mix they'll be delicious. It's just that as usual I started stitching one circle on each and couldn't stop becuase 1. sashiko stitching is so bloody addictive, and 2. I working on the stitchwork was giving me the most excellent excuse for watching loads of bad television.

Thankfully the vegetable garden in another matter entirely... minimal work, maximum return with even better prospects for the next few months, although if anyone is looking for a few tonnes of cherry tomatoes come december let me know... I may have overplanted just a little.

Kamis, 12 November 2009


tall tales and true...

As if there weren't already enough openings this week, here's another one that we assure you will be another corker! Catherine Campbell, aka My Folk Lover, is an artist and illustrator whose collage and watercolour stylings we both admire, and her show opens TONIGHT!, where else but Northcote.

So if you're heading up the hill to do pizza, parties or even hang in one of the many backyard beer gardens on offer wander just a little bit further up High Street and check it out. Those of you who are already fans will know to get there before the doors even have a chance to open in order to snap up an original before the hungry hordes get their greedy mitts on them.

Tall Tales and Papercuts
Friday 13 November 6 - 9pm

Extended Play Gallery
547 High Street Northcote


Oh Canada!

Nothing makes us happier here at hml than mail, especially mail from far flung locales we've always wanted to travel to. Yesterday this postcard winged it's way all the way from Winnipeg, arriving none the worse for wear, bright as a button and sweet as can be. Thanks Takashi, we love your work too and we cant wait to meet you in February!

Notes from the Little Black Book

This week is a little bit busy for me since I've got to complete two study assessments (meaning I've got three very fat books to read and then compress all the information into two essays, which are more on a skinny side), prepare a case study and devote more time to my little family. So as much as I wish I may not be able to blog every day, which is a bit of a shame for me since newfashiontodayblog is my beautiful getaway of "me" time and moments. Please bear with me.

The idea of creating "Notes from the Little black book" came to me today over a cup of morning coffee. Hopefully, these notes, which I am going to post regularly, will allow me to tell you about any interesting fashion finds, sales, special offers etc. etc. etc. gathered in one place for convenience. How do you find this idea? Is it worth your attention? I'd love to hear your opinion on this.

This week My Theresa will be presenting new fabulous things from Cruise 2010 collections, including Miu Miu, Marc by Macr Jacobs, Erdem, Christopher Kane and Acne as well as gorgeous pieces from RM by Roland Mouret, Paul & Joe, Richard Nicoll and Nicolas Kirkwood. salutes „Bonjour Fashion Cruise!“ with the fabulous luxury packaging and unrivalled customer service as well express delivery to over 100 countries around the world with a free return policy. Click on the logo to visit the website and register for some unmissable offers.


Cocosa is currently hosting a sale of incredibly beautiful jewellery pieces by Mirabelle and beautiful silk scarves by Jane Carr, a former textile designer for Versace. The 60-80% discount make them even more irresistible and I am very tempted to buy one myself. After all, a girl cannot have enough scarves. In the next couple of weeks, they will be selling Vera Wang Lavender, Valentino clutches, Mawi jewellery and Bulga bags and I can only guess how low the prices will be.
Cocosa is a members only web-boutique with limited membership availability, but since I've got a membership myself you can use me as a reference. :) Click on the logo below to register, browse current sales and receive regular updates about upcoming sales in the future.

Cocosa Creative 234x60

I've just found yet another great on-line shopping destination. Based in Germany, sells clothes, shoes and accessories by some of the most desirable designer labels. Some of the names include Burberry, Balmain, Valentino, Vanessa Bruno (and Vanessa Bruno Athe), Pauric Sweeney, Moschino, Givenchy, Celine and Fendi. The list can go on and on. And, oh joy, there is a 50% off sale at the moment. And who does not love sales? By the way, international shipping is available.

Stylebop Ltd.

This week is giving away a dreamy Marchesa dress to one lucky winner. You still have time to register and participate because you just never know, right? The competition closes tomorrow, 13 November 2009. - The Most Fashionable Fashion Outlet. It's Chic-onomics!

OASIS are offering a one week 20% off everything on-line. This offer expires on 17 November 2009. To receive the discount, visit the website and enter 2009winter at the checkout.

OASIS - Women's Fashion Clothing

Kurt Geiger is offering 40% off selected styles as well as free returns. The last order date for delivery by Christmas is the 22nd of December 2009. Indulge and feel beautiful!

Kurt Geiger Ltd.

And the last but definitely not the least news is a party invitation! :) Yes, if you are in the UK and can be in London on 19 November 2o09 you are invited to a design party hosted by the style shake. I've received this invitation from lovely Sarah, but unfortunately won't be able to attend the event myself. You will have a chance to see new designs and fabrics, receive styling tips and enjoy free drinks. Please print the invitation below and RSVP to

If you have any problems with opening or printing the invitation, don't hesitate to email me and I'll send it to you as a file.

This is all for today, my darlings.



