Selasa, 24 November 2009


the princess diaries

With only a month to go now it's a little crazy here at the HML Christmas Cave. I have decided to concentrate most of my efforts on the kids in my life this year - because lets face it - Christmas is really about them. My niece Alani  is gettting this Princess and the Pea set...

It looked so easy in the book. Brisbane based designer Sarah Bowe had written great instructions and her princess was an uncomplicated tube. a couple of hours easy!

But really once you factor in making 12 mattresses with stuffing, a blankie, a pillow, a princess and a pea it took me a whole weekend.  But I love the result, and I hope little Alani will too!

My mattresses certainly aren't as neat as Sarah's and my fabric choices came from the scrap cupboard (not the gorgeous Japanese fabric in the book). And I didn't do the little collar, just finished her off with a bow (I ran out of time and energy).

Now I just need to find a little book to go with it. Certainly my favourite present so far!

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