Kamis, 29 April 2010


martha martha martha!
Ok so I got my Mothers Day present early and I bought it myself. but really, for those of you that know me you'll understand how I could justify spending big on Amazon to get these two weighty hardback tomes in my hot little hands. Say what you like about Martha (well not in front of me but you know what I mean) anyone who has a craft department as part of their empire is ok by me. And quite frankly these crafters taught me nearly everything I know - from printing techniques to how to sew up linen napkins. I still frantically text craft friends with silly questions but Martha's Craft Dept have really helped me out over the 17 years (!!) we've been pals. They showed me how to crochet, how to make candles (that was a scary year in my house), and most of all to explore new techniques and not be afraid to fail. And I've failed a few times let me tell you, but I keep trying and I get better with every project.
these books are a little like craft porn. Compendiums of the best projects from the magazine and tv show with some updating here and there to keep the crazy die hards happy. The first halves are made up of techniques (very handy for people like me who say would like to try Sashiko embroidery but don't have anyone to tell me that I need a special needle for it). I went through and counted 34 projects I had already done but then I stopped counting at 73 I'd like to try out.
It has cost me more money that I care to reveal as I've gone on a mad craft rampage online buying up supplies  - including glass beads to make someone special a corsage
these bunnies made out of suiting with silk lined ears are perfect for my new friends Rueben and Wolfgang
Any book that has a chapter devoted to pincushions is really more of a friend than a publication surely? As you've probably all guessed I've made my Christmas list and these books will be holding my hand the next 8 months. Now I have to go wait for the mail man -  I'm hoping the wool felt, Mexican oilcloth, wooden bag handles, beads and wire, and dare I say it..beeswax...arrive soon. RAMONA

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