Senin, 03 Januari 2011


The ladies of HML do a lot of talking about things we've made for people but today I'd like to show you a little gift that I received last week (on the holiday we will not speak of again until July). My lovely friend B is a great gift giver and if you were to ask her 'What do you give a crafty lass for C*******S?' Well a sure bet is crafty supplies. So I was pretty thrilled with my little Kikki.K tree and bird stamp.

This year for me it is all about stamps and stamping (glitter is soooo 2010 people!). One of my new years resolutions is to handwrite letters to friends and family to break the email rut I'm in. This may be an excuse to
hand make stationery but is that so bad? it's also a wonderful way to make wrapping paper.

Is the gift inside the wrapping paper handmade. We no it's not. The ladies of HML sometimes buy books and DVDs just like everyone else. RAMONA

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