OK so HML is going a little off topic today because for us it's a very special day - it's Oscar Day! The intern and I have been very dedicated this year and between us we've seen all ten nominated films. So tomorrow she's taking the day off school and watching the live telecast. Very excited! So what did we think of all these movies? And is it possible for me to make some craft comment thus justifying this long blog entry? You betcha!
Inception: We absolutely loved it. The Intern saw it not once but three times at the cinema and we now own it on DVD. Should win for music and art direction but wont. Craft: dreamscapes are always inspiring. Watching Paris fold up on itself made want to make a cardboard city.
Toy Story 3: We love animation, always have. But we were never really attached to the Toy Story Franchise. This one made us cry. Craft: one sequence took the animators two years, that's craft.
The Kids are Alright was...alright. It's all very PC and user friendly. I found it a bit uptight and the Intern couldn't get past the fact that the teenage boy was called Lazer. Craft: kick arse organic farming and landscape gardening.
The Fighter: This is the one I haven't seen despite loving everyone in it. The Intern thinks Christian Bale should and will win best supporting actor. Craft: hmm I can't say for this one, Wahlberg's abs maybe?
Black Swan: hate the first half, hate the second half. She should eat a sandwich she'd feel so much better. But cant wait to see it again. Suspect Portman will win. Craft: oh for costume freaks this is a gorgeous film
True Grit: this was just lovely. The music was just beautiful. The costumes, the shoes! But we made the mistake of watching the John Wayne one afterwards which, despite the lame ending is surprisingly better.
Craft: this is all about the music for me. Steeped in early hymns that then swell to lush orchestration the further away from home she travels.
The Social Network:The Intern and I have decided we would give this best picture. So timely, so smart, so well written. And she has a crush on Jesse Eisenberg. Fair enough. Craft: he builds the equivalent of a new country.
Winters Bone: very few people saw this amazing film. I thought Jennifer Lawrence, at the ripe old age of 19 acted her sock off, certainly overshadowing the pouty Portman . This is hillbilly crime noir, it's tense and sad and compassionate and difficult. Love Love Love. Wont win a damn thing. Craft: there are some excellent handknitted jumpers in this one! And some squirrel skinning which is as gross as it sounds. Poverty has a way of forcing you to be resourceful.
127 Hours: speaking of resourceful! This is a great story and a great film. If I had my way this kid would be winning the Oscar for best actor. If only he'd remembered that Swiss army knife. Ouch. Not for the faint hearted. 4 people ran from our screening and there were warnings at the ticket counter.
The Kings Speech: yup well it's probably going to clean up. Colin Firth seems like a nice chap and I dont begrudge him the win. And crazy Helena, well shes such a nutbag its always good to see what shes wearing. Craft: the absolute joy of this film is the interiors. So if you need us we'll be in front of our respective televisions today, trying to get work done in the boring bits and make dinner in the musical numbers. Beck and I will be on the phone bemoaning the lack of wacky outfitting and faux pas (people are so well behaved at these things nowadays). The Intern will be ignoring her maths homework and the Womble will clap when everyone else does - because he can.
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