Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


star of stripes

The ladies of HML have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to craft, art and design - Beck takes a great photo -Ramona has trouble getting things in focus. Ramona is just finishing a knitted cardigan - Beck can't read a knitting pattern to save herself . We often turn to really great blogs for inspiration and help. One of our all time faves is

Kris's Color Stripes

Kris is a Italian artist and designer who takes beautiful images and then breaks them down into colourways. Ramona finds this particularly helpful as she struggles with palettes all the time. On occasion she will copy Kris completely. This laundry bag that was part of last years xmas gift frenzy wouldn't have turned out half as sweet without Kris's guidance! It's a great blog just to dive into to refresh your eyes, which we all need from time to time...

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