Rabu, 25 Februari 2009


not by the hair of my finny fin fin
We love ceramics - maybe because neither of us can throw a pot, know much about glazes nor can apply decals neatly to paper let alone clay, or maybe it's just because ceramics, particularly domestic ware, has such obvious connections to food, and therefore eating... and you all know how partial we are to a good feed. We also love good coffee, especially when it comes with a sweetie on the side on matching china. We also both have a particular penchant for blue and white stuff so it's really not too surprising that with glee we snaffled this little place setting for two up in disbelief for a measly $4 at the local op-shop... yes people $4.
We were even happier when we turned them over and found they were Arabia, which of course is made in one of our favourite icy craft and design locales (and home of the moomins), Finland. Now if anyone out there speaks or reads Finnish (Brigette!) can you tell us what the hell "Arabia Lasitteen Suojamma Koriste Dekoren Skyddad av Glasyr Ali" (which is the complete text on the bottom of the plates) means? We're dying to find out.

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