Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009


sorry for the delay people, here they are...

Through the Looking Glass
Shona Wilson takes her environmentalism as seriously as she takes her art. In this brilliant exhibition of found object constructions she strikes a perfect balance between both. Macroscope draws inspiration from the microscopic sea organisms known as Diatoms – a sub group of planktons that form the most abundant food source in our oceans. Taking her cues from the patterning revealed in these forms when viewed under a super magnifier she creates works from the flotsam and jetsam washed onto the beach: pine needles, twigs, beetle wings, crab claws, seed pods and unfortunately plastic. The inclusion of a piece of beach plastic in each work is a salient reminder that this most ubiquitous of materials has mow managed to even infiltrate the plankton in our seas. Food for thought indeed.
Until November 14,
Kings Street Gallery. Darlinghurst.


Last chance to see Melbourne photographer Glenn Slogget’s Feeble exhibition. Slogget once again trains his lens on the darker side of the street in this exhibition of selected photographs and found objects collected over his career. We love a found object (as our craft find festish will attest) and a little NQR action on the street even more-so, so really this exhibition is a no brainer for us even though we haven't made it there yet!
Until October 30
George Paton Gallery, Melbourne University Carlton

Devine Decadence
Another blink and you’ll miss it show is Genevieve McLean’s Days of Decadence. In this exhibition McLean celebrates the bounty, consumption and decay that so informed the Still Life paintings by Dutch Masters in the 17th Century. The kick, they’re all lovingly rendered in 3D crochet. Hot no?
Until November 1
Yarra Sculpture Gallery, Abbotsford.

in the cinema

Dharma Bums
If your dharma needs a little darning take a trek over to acmi this weekend for their mini Buddhist film festival. Unfortunately I won’t be in town to make the most of it, which is a shame because even though I know that life is suffering I am in dire need of the restorative powers a little time out from the chattering monkey in my head would give me. Nonetheless, if I was able to make it, high on my list would be Meditate and Destroy – a documentary about punk rock and spirituality and Wheel of Time by the inimitable Wener Herzog which documents the largest Buddhist ritual in Bodh Gaya India... Now that would be the way to spend a Saturday afternoon. There’s even a Japanese Tea Ceremony taking place in the Cube event space on Sunday arvo if all that chanting gets you thirsty. A four session pass will cost you $50, single sessions $15, but given we’re all learning the art of non attachment that shouldn’t be too hard to part with.
Friday October 30 until Sunday November 1
ACMI, Federation Square, Melbourne.

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