Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009


Cross Country

The ladies of HML have both collected pieces by David Pottinger and so we'll be eager to get to his new show at Gallery 101 this week. This is old school, hardcore capital C ceramics and we are a mite bit pleased that we bought while we could still afford it.

If we were in Sydney we'd be peeking inside the wardrobe of Gene Sherman who has been wearing and collecting the very best of Japanese fashion for over 20 years. She's donated her 'retired' outfits - that bear the labels of Yamamoto, Myake and Kawakubo for a unique fashion overview. Oh to have a wardrobe so styling it's exhibition worthy!

Being the fashion hounds that we are we'd also be keen to check out the Easton Pearson survey show on at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane. It would nice to be somewhere warm and where people didn't just wear black and grey all the damn time.

We urge anyone in Perth to go and see the Mari Funaki exhibition at the Art Gallery of Western Australia. This Melbourne-based jeweller and gallery director is craft royalty and with 50 works in the show - including new objects especially created for the occasion - this is a rare treat. 

Zoe Veness will change what you think about paper jewellery. If you are in Adelaide go check her work out at the Jam Factory. This work is dense, complex, tactile and, for want of a better word, mathematical. 
phew. Big country this one. Sorry we didn't make it everywhere, we only have a week!

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