This has been a week of chipping away at the little things that need doing rather than grand plans coming good. And i'm ok with that. Time is coming in short bursts at the moment, an hour here, fifteen minutes there, so the craft projects are having to fit around things - perfect for knitting (which i'm yet to start) and embroidery (which I can't seem to stop). If nothing else it's a sure way for a terminal 'flitter' not to get bored doing the same thing night after night after night. So...
The first one involves the upcycling of one of the architects old linen shirts (he fancied himself as quite the open shirted beachcomber in the early nineties - go figure) on which i'm trialing the embroidery of an illustration. I am loving it - and think there may be more on the way...
The other has been the printing (by swede - of the vegetable not backpacker variety) and stitching (by hand) of this piece of fabric that will eventually become part of a drawsting denim 'toilet bag' for my Dad's birthday who also sees himself as quite the open shirt beachcomber...( uh oh i'm seeing a theme here)
It looks great, although I must say it has taken an age to go around every circle three times, and so hasn't provided quite the same level of instant craft gratification as the shirt embroidery.
Max too has been busy, and I'm now the proud owner of my first piece of cardboard roll art. I love it, part Gay Pride Parade, part Nu-School geometric reconstructionism... leaves my work in the dust.
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