Minggu, 23 Mei 2010


mad skills to pay the bills

Oh my we don't quite know how this one slipped passed us. The Victorian Tapestry Workshop have a craft program running from May through to August. It's mainly knitting based (weirdly enough) but there is one tapestry development class the ladies of HML are keen on with the wonderful Joy Smith - whose work is totally amazing, we'd love to pick up some pointers from her.

But the highlight for us will be the all day event on Monday June 26 'Stuff It: do not fear the seventies' with the indomitable  Jenny Bartholomew. We are quite the groupies when it comes to Jenny's work and are united in our love for 70's textile zaniness. We thought you better all know about it quick sticks before remaining spots fill up. You can download the program here .RAMONA

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