Senin, 24 Mei 2010


happy 40th

I'm certainly not the most proficient knitter but I do have the desire to pull out the needles when the cooler weather comes around. My beloved doesn't expect much come birthday time, but he does eagerly await the chocolate pavlova and the new scarf. I'm knitting 4 scarves at once at the moment with wildly different wool and I feel like I'm going a bit cross-eyed but I am surprised at how much faster I get over time.

Only one mistake in the whole thing (can you spot the dodgy row?) They say god is in the details or perfection offends the gods or something so we'll go with that and be grateful for no dropped stitches or wonky cast offs. I'm also turning this drawing into an embroidery. I found the sketch in a notebook that was on its way to the recycling bin. I wonder what else I've thrown out in my mad autumn cleaning? RAMONA

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